4-201.        Building code incorporated.

That certain standard code known as the “National Building Code, 1955 Edition, Abbreviated,” and the January, 1958 amendments thereto, recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, 222 West Adams Street, Chicago, Illinois, is hereby incorporated by reference herein and made a part of this article, save and except such portions as are hereinafter or may be hereafter deleted or amended, as authorized and in the manner prescribed by the statutes of the State of Kansas.

(Code 1963; 4-100s; Code 2017)

(a)   Unsafe Buildings and Structures. Section 6 of said code relating to unsafe buildings and structures is hereby deleted in its entirety.

(b)   Penalties. Section 7 of said code relating to penalties is hereby deleted in its entirety.

(c)   Gas Vents. Section 42 of said code relating to gas vents is hereby deleted in its entirety.

(d)   Gas Piping.  Section 46 of said code relating to gas piping is hereby deleted in its entirety.

(e)   Plumbing.   Section 47 of said code relating to plumbing is hereby deleted in its entirety.

(f)   Electrical Installations. Section 48 of said code relating to electrica1 installations is hereby deleted in its entirety.

(g)   Signs and Outdoor Display Structures. Section 49 of said code relating to signs and outdoor display structures is hereby deleted in its entirety.

(Code 1963; 4-100s; Code 2017)

(a)   Permit: Fire Limits. Subsection (a) of Section 4 of the Standard Code is hereby amended to read as follows:

No building or structure within the fire limits shall be built, enlarged, altered or moved without a permit issued application to the cityclerk and upon payment of a permit fee of one dollar ($1.00). The city clerk may require a plan of the proposed work together with a statement of the materials to be used.

(Code 1963; 4-100s; Code 2017)

(a)   Definitions.

(1)   This article may be known and cited as “The Building Code of the City of Satanta”.

(2)   The term “Standard Code” shall mean the standard building code herein before incorporated by reference as a part of this article.

(3)   The word “municipality” when used in the Standard Code shall mean the City of Satanta, Kansas.

(4)   The term “corporation counsel” when used in the Standard Code shall mean the City Attorney of the City of Satanta.

(b)   Fire Limits. The following shall be and are hereby declared to be the fire limits of the City of Satanta, Kansas:

       All that territory lying within Blocks Twenty-seven (27) and Twenty-eight (28), the East Half (E/2) of Block Twenty-nine (29) and the West Half (W/2) of Block Thirty-six (36), less and except lots 10 through 15 of Block 36, and Blocks Thirty-seven (37) and Thirty-eight (38).

(c)   No building or structure of a temporary nature, or trailer, trailer house, mobile home or trailer or structure of other design modified or adapted for the purpose of providing living accommodations shall be permitted to be built, parked, or situated within the fire district described herein, except the provision of this paragraph shall not prohibit the construction and use of temporary buildings used by contractors during the actual period of construction of permanent buildings within said fire district.

(d)   Building inspector. The City Superintendent shall perform the duties of building inspector.

(e)   Any structure, unless located within the Central Business District, shall be constructed so that:

(1)   At no point is it closer than fifteen (15) feet to any city street or alley.

(2)   Excluding fences, at no point is it closer than five (5) feet to any neighboring property line.

(3)   If the structure is located on a lot adjoining two intersection streets, no part of the structure shall be closer than twenty (20) feet to the point of intersection of the two streets.

(Code 1963; 4-100s; Ord. 216; Code 2017; Ord. 400)

Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) or be imprisoned not to exceed thirty (30) days, or be both so fined and imprisoned.

(Code 1963; 4-100s; Code 2017)

The invalidity of any section of this article or the Standard Code incorporated herein shall not invalidate other sections or provisions thereof.

(Code 1963; 4-100s; Code 2017)